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Boyce Middle School

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Mission Statement

The Earthwarden Program is designed to help our students better understand the delicate balance of the basic life support systems of the earth. The students are given the opportunity to explore the environment through activities that focus on: water quality, integrated pest management, energy flow in ecosystems, conservation of resources, and wildlife. More importantly, tha e activities are designed to foster an appreciation of and a positive attitude toward the earth. The program enables the students to continue to develop social skills and grow emotionally by providing learning experiences that nurture the uniqueness of each child.

The Earthwarden Program encourages the students to commit themselves to three separate actions: improve the quality of the environment, demonstrate their knowledge of the earth, and share their appreciation of the environment with others.

At the end of their Earthwarden experience, it is our hope that the students will understand that all life on this earth is interdependent and that our actions on the earth, big or small, do make a difference!