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Boyce Middle School

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Parent Resources

The Guidance Department has a Resource Center for parents and students. Parents are able to choose and borrow from a variety of books and videos that cover many parenting and preadolescent issues and topics. In correspondence with our 5th and 6th grade Guidance Curriculum, we have listed several resources that are categorized by the units we cover. The Parent Resource Center is located in the Guidance Classroom. Please let Mrs. Antonio or Mrs. Auteri know if you are interested in borrowing one of these resources. In addition to books that can be found in our Resource Center, we have included links to websites that also provide helpful information.

Study Skills & Organization:

  • Solve Your Child’s School Related Problems - Michael Martin & Cynthia Waltman Greenwood
  • How to Help Your Child with Homework - Marguerite C. Radencich, Jeanne Shay Schumm & Pamela Espeland
  • The Homework Handbook - Harriett Cholden
  • Raising Lifelong Learners: A Parent’s Guide – Lucy Calkins & Bellino Lydia

Bullying & Cliques:

Stress Management: 


Refusal Skills:

Human Growth & Development:

Career Development:

Accepting Differences:

  • Teaching Tolerance – Sara Bullard

Suicide/Death & Dying:

The Parent Resource Center has a wide variety of resources in addition to those listed above. For a complete list, please contact Mrs. Antonio or Mrs. Autieri.

As you utilize these resources, please keep in mind that we are not endorsing or promoting any of the information, techniques, or advice that may be given. These are simply to be seen as resources to consider when supporting your son or daughter.