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Boyce Middle School

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The 5-6 Science Program uses an inquiry-based approach that focuses on skill and processes. Much of our science material is nationally recognized as exemplary curriculum material (STC- Science Technology for Children from the Smithsonian and FOSS– Full Option Science System). Our 5th grade science units are Variables (FOSS) (how to set up an experiment and test for a variable), Chemistry, Space Science and Our Changing Earth.

Our 6th grade science units are Investigating Plants (STC), Magnets, Motors and Electricity (STC), Weather and Meteorology, and Ecology. The 6th graders use the scientific method to conduct experiments with plants. Another highlight of the Boyce science experience is a trip to Deer Valley YMCA Camp to focus on Ecology (date TBD).

Deer Valley is an award winning environmental educational experience that takes place in the Spring semester of the 6th grade year. Parents/ Caregivers are encouraged to participate at Deer Valley with their students. Planning/informational sessions are typically held in the winter and spring of that year, and schedules are provided for the adults who plan on attending. The cost for the students to attend Deer Valley may be earned through a fund raising sale. This covers the cost of transportation, lodging, food, and all materials necessary for the environmental program.

Fundraising information is distributed the first nine weeks of school to all 5th and 6th grade students. ALL adults attending the Deer Valley trip MUST have updated clearances on file at Central Office. Please visit Volunteers & Clearances on our District website for step-by-step instructions on the process to obtain clearances.