Physical Education
- 5th grade students receive two 45-minute periods of Physical Education instruction each six-day cycle. This will also include a component of Health instruction at a point throughout the year.
- 6th grade students receive two 45-minute periods of instruction each six-day cycle.
Instructors conduct coeducational classes. Each unit begins with many small skill-building activities that lead students toward the final goal of one-on-one competition. An emphasis is placed on wellness activities.
The K-12 Health and Physical Education program focuses on the whole child. We strive to provide a safe environment where students can learn new skills, expand their interests, and enhance their overall physical health through the exploration of basic team sports, lifetime sports, and health and physical fitness education. The goal for every child is to gain an understanding of the importance of overall health and physical activity in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.
New skills are introduced, preparing the student to effectively participate in physical activities in the regular school program, extra-curriculum program, and activities of special interest in the community and school. Adaptive physical education activities are provided for students who qualify based on their unique learning needs.