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Boyce Middle School

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Skills are spiraled as students continue to develop skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Units on algebra, data analysis, measurement, and geometry are also part of the curriculum at 5th and 6th grade. 5th grade students focus much of the year on mastering decimal and fraction operations. They also broaden their understanding of Geometry and Data concepts. 6th grade students review operations with fractions and decimals and are introduced to the concept of integers. Basic algebraic concepts are interwoven throughout the 6th grade year as well, and students are also introduced to proportional reasoning skills through units on ratios, proportions, and percents.

All units of study emphasize estimation strategies, problem solving, and computation for accuracy. Whole group, small group, individual, and cooperative learning strategies are all incorporated into mathematics instruction in order to meet the needs of all learners. Mathematical practices such as reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, making sense of problems and persevere in solving them, constructing viable arguments, critiquing reasoning, modeling with mathematics, using tools strategically, attending to precision, identifying and using structure, and finding and expressing repeated reasoning are reinforced on a regular basis.

Math opportunities outside of the classroom, such as Calcu-Solve, Challenge 24, PML, etc. will be communicated at the appropriate time of the school year by your learner’s math teacher, school announcements, Boyce Bulletin, Principal’s monthly letter, eAlerts, and/or the school webpage. Please contact your child’s math teacher for additional information regarding math opportunities outside of the classroom.